Master Your Game: Complete Guide to Divinity 2 Skills

Are you tired of struggling to progress in Divinity 2? Do you want to unlock your gaming potential and dominate your virtual foes? Look no further than our comprehensive guide to Divinity 2 skills.

Mastering the skills in Divinity 2 is key to achieving victory in the game. In this section, we’ll provide you with the knowledge and strategies to maximize your player skills and enhance your gaming experience.

Key Takeaways:

  • Divinity 2 skills are essential for success in the game.
  • Our comprehensive guide will help you unlock your full gaming potential.
  • Understanding the different types of skills and their mechanics is crucial.
  • Building a well-rounded skill set is essential for character development.
  • Use this guide as your go-to resource for dominating your virtual enemies.

Understanding Divinity 2 Skills

Divinity 2 is a complex game that requires skillful tactics to succeed. The game has a wide variety of skills that can be overwhelming to new players. Understanding the different types of skills and how to utilize them is crucial in achieving victory.

Types of Divinity 2 Skills

There are three main types of skills in Divinity 2: combat, civil, and source. Combat skills are used in battles and can be offensive or defensive. Civil skills are non-combat skills that are useful for navigating the game’s world and completing quests. Source skills are advanced abilities that are unlocked later in the game.

How Skills Work

Skills in Divinity 2 are governed by attributes such as Strength, Finesse, Intelligence, and Constitution. These attributes determine which skills a player can use, and how effective they are. For example, a high Strength attribute is required to use heavy armor and wield heavy weapons. Each skill has a specific point cost, and players can only use skills that are within their allotted points.

Effective Skill Utilization

The key to success in Divinity 2 is using skills effectively. Players should choose skills that complement their playstyle and work well together. For example, a mage character should focus on Intelligence and learn spells that deal elemental damage, while a warrior character should focus on Strength and learn combat skills that increase damage output. It’s also important to use skills strategically during battles, taking advantage of enemy weaknesses and positioning on the battlefield.

“Skills in Divinity 2 are like puzzle pieces – they must fit together perfectly for optimal results,” says game developer Larian Studios.

The Importance of Skill Diversity

Building a diverse skill set is essential in Divinity 2. Players should aim to have a mix of combat and civil skills, as well as a variety of skills within each category. This will allow for flexibility in different scenarios and make it easier to tackle the game’s challenges.

  • Tip: Don’t neglect civil skills – they can be just as important as combat skills in completing quests and progressing through the game.

Building Your Skill Set

Building a strong skill set is crucial for success in Divinity 2. No matter what playstyle you prefer, a well-planned character development strategy can make all the difference in combat. Here are some tips on how to build your character’s skills:

  1. Allocate attribute points wisely: When you level up, you’ll receive attribute points that can be assigned to Strength, Finesse, Intelligence, Constitution, or Wits. Make sure to allocate them based on your character’s play style. For example, if you’re playing as a mage, prioritizing Intelligence will increase your spell’s damage and effectiveness.
  2. Select talents that complement your playstyle: Talents are unique abilities that provide your character with bonuses and new features. There are various talents available, so select the ones that will enhance your character’s strengths. For instance, the Glass Cannon talent is ideal for characters who favor offensive magic or ranged weapons, as it increase Action Points but lowers Vitality.
  3. Choose the right skills: Divinity 2 features many combat skills varying from magic to melee weapons. To build an effective skill set, choose skills that complement your chosen play style. Make sure to balance skills that provide crowd control, damage, and support. For instance, if you prefer a tanky warrior play style, make sure to invest in skills that increase your defense and taunt enemies.
  4. Experiment with skill combinations: Combining different skills can lead to powerful effects, such as combining fire and poison spells to create an explosive cloud that deals damage over time. Experiment with different skill combinations and find the ones that work best for your play style.

By following these tips and developing a well-rounded skill set, you’ll be able to take on any challenge that comes your way in Divinity 2. Remember, practice makes perfect, so don’t be afraid to experiment and try new things!


Mastering the skills in Divinity 2 is the key to unlocking your full gaming potential. By understanding the different types of skills and actively building your character’s skill set, you’ll increase your chances of achieving victory in the game.

Remember to allocate attribute points wisely, select talents that complement your playstyle, and choose skills that suit your character’s build. Experiment with different combinations to find the perfect balance for your gameplay.

Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to Divinity 2, this comprehensive guide to Divinity 2 skills is your go-to resource for maximizing your gaming potential. So what are you waiting for? Start your journey to becoming a skilled adventurer and dominate the virtual world today!


How many types of skills are there in Divinity 2?

Divinity 2 features various types of skills, including combat skills, civil skills, and source skills.

How do combat skills work in Divinity 2?

Combat skills are abilities that allow your character to deal damage, heal, or provide buffs during battles. They have cooldowns and require action points to use.

What are civil skills, and how do they function in the game?

Civil skills are non-combat abilities that offer utility and progression outside of combat. They enable your character to interact with the world, solve puzzles, and unlock additional dialogue options.

What are source skills, and how are they different from other skills?

Source skills are powerful abilities that require source points to use. They can have unique effects and can only be used in certain situations. Source points can be acquired through various means in the game.

How can I develop my character’s skills effectively?

To build a strong skill set, allocate attribute points wisely according to your desired playstyle. Choose talents that synergize with your build and select skills that complement your character’s strengths and weaknesses.

Can I respec my skills in Divinity 2?

Yes, you can respec your skills by visiting certain NPCs in the game. This allows you to reallocate attribute points, talents, and skill points to adapt to different challenges or experiment with different character builds.

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